GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

What is GAY-TANTRA® ?

This is what the term "Tantra" means 

The expression “Tantra” originates in Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language). It means “weaving” in the sense of the connection of the numerous, often opposing aspects within us into a complete whole.

Different to most spiritual paths, Tantra honours lust and sexual desire as a gateway to ecstasy and enlightenment. This is reached by canalisation and refinement of ones sexual energy. Thereby one who practices Tantra also gets in touch with some shadowy parts of their personality, which may then be looked at and integrated into their being. In this understanding, Tantra is a path of personal development. One goal among others being to awaken ones full sexual potential and to integrate this into their whole being. Tantra has always been a non-conformistic discipline, challenging the rigidity and taboos of prevailing religious and social systems.

Same sex sexuality has never been a problem in Tantra. In our society however, the time is still very young that homosexuality is accepted as an equal type of (sexual) life.

In this context GAY-TANTRA® is also a “young” form of Tantra. It is based on the concept of SkyDancing-Tantra®, which was developed by the French pioneer Margot Anand Naslednikov in the eighties, and has since spread in the Western world. “SkyDancing” Margot translates: “Life and Love can be like a dance in the sky – easy”, The path of “SkyDancers” has been traced back and originates from ancient Tibet. Yeshi Tsogyal, the enlightenment companion of the Buddha Padmasambhava, was named the “Big SkyDancer”. These two developed what is known as tantric Buddhism. In the Buddhist tradition, Sky Dancers are particularly passionate humans who are deeply devoted to their spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

Armin Heining: What is GAY-TANTRA® ?

GAY-TANTRA® associates itself to the translation of this path into the world of loving men of the same sex. It does not instil or promote contradictions to the surrounding field. Indeed contrary to that, ecstasy and enlightenment are beyond sexual preferences, which often can restrict humans to the sexual part of their personalities.

As part of the GAY-TANTRA films, released in 2014 and 2015, Armin talks in detail about “What is GAY-TANTRA®“. Watch the 15-minute film here.