GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

Letting Go the Old, Welcoming the New, Touching Hearts – New Year’s Retreat Berlin


Turn of the Year – a time to breathe, let go and gather inspiration. A good time to open up to new horizons and perspectives. A good time to get to know Armin and All Men’s GAY-TANTRA or to consciously experience and enjoy New Year’s Eve with previous tantric experience. 

Course and contents:

  • Body awareness, playful movement and encounters help you to get in touch with yourself and the other men.
  • Active and silent meditations stimulate the flow of energy to sensitize the skin and organs and prepare you to sense energy coursing throughout your whole body.
  • Time spent together in silence turns your attention to your inner self and allows the processes you have initiated to consciously resonate.
  • Exciting body-emotional rituals help you to let go of inhibitions and blockages so that new things can unfold.
  • We review the old year and welcome goals that we would like to manifest or attract in the new year.
  • You make contact with the wisdom within you that will accompany you on your futher path.
  • A tantric ritual – a celebration of eroticism, sensuality, love, sexuality & spirituality – lifts you from the old into the new year.
  • Mantric singing, sound, conversation and sharing will accompany and round off the retreat. We will talk about how you can bring these experiences into your everyday life and what deepening steps in GAY-TANTRA might look like.

The New Year’s Eve Retreat is suitable for you:

  • If you want to consciously experience the turn of the year beyond the mainstream.
  • If you want to work on your everyday issues and challenges and develop as a person.
  • If you want to recognize yourself more deeply in the mirror of others.
  • If you want to spend the turn of the year in a community of like-minded people.


In principle, any man can take part in the New Year’s Eve retreat, regardless of age, regardless of basic sexual orientation, regardless of whether you are a beginner or advanced, regardless of whether you are single or with a partner. The only important thing is your serious interest in GAY-TANTRA and your willingness to engage with the experiences on offer in a safe environment.
All exercises in this retreat can be performed clothed; there will be no instruction on direct sexual touching or acts. Your participation in the entire program is assumed.

Gay Tantra Newyearsretreat.webp
Gay Tantra Urlaub Seminar.webp

Holiday & Seminar

Dates for booking:

Venue: Care & Share Zentrum, Welser Str. 5+7, 10777 Berlin

This fee covers all costs for instructions with Armin, the master of GAY-TANTRA® (since 1992). Learn from his profound experiences and let him take you into his positive (life) attitude.

For accomodation/meals and costs you find more information on the venue page.

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue: Care & Share Zentrum, Welser Str. 5+7, 10777 Berlin

This fee covers all costs for instructions with Armin, the master of GAY-TANTRA® (since 1992). Learn from his profound experiences and let him take you into his positive (life) attitude.

For accomodation/meals and costs you find more information on the venue page.

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!