GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

Learn Erotic Massage – Touch Workshop

Are you spiritually interested?
Do you feel strange in the usual ‘scene’?
You feel emptiness and dissatisfaction after sex? Do you flagellate yourself?

If you answered ‘yes’ to only one of these questions, this workshop is just right for you!


The origins of Tantra go back to the second century A.D., Tantra massage to the 1990s. Since the release of the GAY-TANTRA® Massage DVDs by Armin Heining in 2010 at the latest, Tantra massage has become widely known within the gay community in Germany and Europe.

This awaits you:

he Erotic GAY-TANTRA® Massage, compiled by Armin Heining, is a wonderful choreography that combines touch, energy and connectedness. Enjoy them in giving and receiving and grow beyond yourself! And immerse yourself in the GAY-TANTRA® world of energy in a circle of open-hearted and joyful men through active and silent meditations. Let yourself be surprised and enriched!

Course and content:

Arrive in the circle of open-minded and friendly men by light activity, deep breathing, sounds and silence.

You will learn a massage opening-ritual which will help you and your massage partner to let go of everyday life and enter the tantric realms.

The ‘5-step program’ helps you to let go and immerse yourself deeply in your body. Tension, stress and ‘bad’ emotions fall away from you, so you can connect with peace and centeredness in you. Start a new life!

An intensive massage of back and front, that inebriates and leads deeply into sensual experience, helps to release and fall into deep relaxation. Body-to-body contacts, playful and intensive touch does not leave out any part of your body.

For lunch you can eat a snack in our rooms, or go out with the others in surrounding restaurants.

We learn how to massage the front side, followed by a sensous intimate massage.

With the overall choreography of the ‘Erotic GAY-TANTRA® Massage’ we bring all the massage parts together. With your massage partner you dive into an intimate giving and receiving experience.

Experts perform this massage in 90 minutes. We divide the choreographies into segments of 20 to 45 minutes.

Through your own experiences, through discussions and exchanges, you get precise ideas on how to transfer the contents of the workshop into your everyday life and thus improve it.
The Massage Workshop will also give you a better idea of how you can benefit from continuing GAY-TANTRA courses and trainings, and which potential you can bring to life with them.

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Preparatory and accompanying media:

After complete registration you will receive GAY-TANTRA massage educational films and various other bonus material as download for free.

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Massage / Wellness

Dates to book:

Venue: Seminarhouse ‘Alte Schmiede’, Ellerstr. 32, 53119 Bonn

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!