GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

Tender Tantra Massage – Touch Workshop

You are interested in spirituality?
The gay-scene does not satisfy you?
You feel empty, dissatisfied after sex? Castigating yourself?

If you answered ‘yes’ to only one of these questions, this workshop is just right for you!


The origins of Tantra go back to the second century A.D., Tantra massage to the 1990s. Since the release of the GAY-TANTRA Massage DVDs by Armin Heining in 2010 at the latest, Tantra massage has become widely known within the gay community in Germany and Europe.

In this workshop you will experience in giving and receiving the choreographies of touch created by Armin Heining. He teaches them to the participants of his GAY-TANTRA training to become a Tantra Masseur (certified). Take part and learn for yourself!

What you will learn:

Day 1 and 2: The Tender GAY-TANTRA® Massage encompasses slowly and gently the entire body and offers a high level of tranquillity and feeling of security. It awakens the energy centres (sex, heart, forehead) and repeatedly strokes them with great gentleness.

Experts perform this massage in 75 minutes. We divide the choreographie into sections of 20 to 45 minutes.

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Day 3: The GAY-TANTRA® Anal and Prostate Massage The Deep Touch usually has a very sensous effect, widening for the soul and mind. Deep, slumbering feelings are awakened, and unfold throughout the body. After an extensive caressing and massage of the anus outside the hidden energy and lust points of the tailbone (location of the „Kundalini“) and the prostate are stimulated. You will learn step by step to touch the anus outside and inside and to awake new and surprising sensations. Your ability to touch anus and prostate sophisticatedly and to feel as a receiver increases. You get a taste about what it means to “meditate sexually”.

Preparatory and Accompanying Media:

After complete registration you will receive the GAY-TANTRA massage educational film and various other bonus material as download for free.

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Massage / Wellness

Dates to book:

Venue: Haus Lebenskunst, Mehringdamm 34, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

The days start at 10am and end at about 7pm (longer break at noon time).