GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

Venue: Care & Share Centre, Berlin


Care & Share Center
1st backyard, stairs right, 4th floor
Welserstraße 5-7
10777 Berlin

Map on Google Maps

Important information about this Venue: Care & Share Centre, Berlin


The bright and friendly rooms are in a central and quiet location in Berlin-Schöneberg, not far from Viktoria-Luise-Platz (U4).
You will find parking spaces in nearby Geisbergstrasse, Viktoria-Luise-Platz and Motzstrasse. 


In order to increase the depth of the workshop experience, group spirit and cohesion, we will stay overnight in our own sleeping bag in the spacious rooms of Care & Share (with mattresses, shower and toilet). The fee for this is EUR 30 per night (cash on site, without receipt). Your sleeping place is pre-reserved for you.

We will organize breakfast ourselves and eat it together. During the other breaks, you can bring your own food and drinks or make use of the gastronomic offers in the area.

If you do not wish to take part in the group overnight stay, please contact us.


In principle, every man can participate in the events, regardless of age, regardless of basic sexual orientation, regardless of whether he is a beginner or advanced, regardless of whether he is single or in a relationship with a partner. The only important thing is a serious interest in GAY-TANTRA and the willingness to engage in challenging and deep experiences in a protected setting.
The workshop is not psychotherapy or a substitute for therapy. If you are currently undergoing therapy or spiritual guidance, please discuss your intended participation with your therapist or spiritual guide. Participation in the entire workshop is assumed.