GAY-TANTRA® Founder and Pioneer (since 1992),
Spiritual Teacher, Author, Coach & Trainer

29th Year Long Training in Lust, Love & Ecstasy 2026 – 2027


  • Do you want to let go of your day to day life, set free your sexuality, do exciting things and explore yourself in a safe environment?
  • Do you desire to awaken new life dimensions for yourself or together with your partner and to feel love in a new way?
  • Do you want to explore new dimensions of connectivity and ecstasy and grow beyond what you know so far?

This training will sustainably change and improve your life!

It promotes your holistic personal development, heals wounds of the past, increases your ability to experience and connects sexuality, closeness & intimacy with love, true contact & spirituality.

Course and contents:

Module 1 – 6: Contents in general

You will gain confidence by means of body-feeling and relaxation, playful movements and encounters (module 1 – 5).

In the morning, meditations in silence and bodily expressions will introduce you to the topics of the respective days (module 1 – 5).

Yogic exercises and movement sequences make your body more soft and flexible and open up for deeper energetic experiences (module 1 – 3, 6).

Conversations, diverse massages, amour-propre, meditations and rituals will accompany the Biggest Tantra Energy-Sex Program and round the respective series off. They will give you a prospect of how to integrate Tantra into your daily routine and how to make the latter more ecstatic. (module 1 – 6).

The GAY-TANTRA document ‘Advanced Tantra Practitioner’ attests that you have participated in all 6 modules of the Biggest Tantra Energy-Sex Program and have acquired advanced basic knowledge in Tantra. In addition, this document is required for advanced trainings in the world of GAY-TANTRA, for example for the training to ‘Tantra Teacher’ (Diploma), as well as for trainings in the straight world of tantra, e.g. SkyDancing-Tantra by Margot Anand.

Moreover, this recognition would encourage you to continue practicing and integrating Tantra in everyday life (Module 6).

Registration modules individually:

Training in Lust, Liebe & Ekstase
Gay Tantra Klassisch Ekstatisch.webp

Classic / Ecstatic

Registration for the complete training:

Venue: Care & Share Centre , Welserstr. 5-7, 10777 Berlin 

Venue: Seminarhouse near Berlin in Brandenburg

Venue: Pension & Seminarhouse Göschensgut, Schillerstr. 27, 04668 Grimma/Hohnstädt


Module 1: ‘The SuperOrgasmic Man’
Fri, 13.02.26 to Wed, 18.02.26 (5 days, Berlin)

Bonus Celebration: ‘The Art of Sexual Ecstasy’
Thu, 02.04.26 to Mon, 06.04.26 (4 days, Easter, Berlin)

Module 2: ‘Melting – The Pearl of Tantric Love-Making’
Sun, 08.07.26 to Sun, 15.07.26 (7 days, in Brandenburg)

Module 3: ‘The Art of Self-Ecstasy’
Wed, 26.08.26 to Sun, 30.08.26 (4 days, Berlin)

Module 4: ‘The Art of Sexual Magic’
Wed, 18.11.26 to Sun, 22.11.26 (4 days, in Brandenburg)

Module 5: ‘The Art of Everyday Ecstasy’
Wed, 08.01.27 to Sun, 11.01.27 (4 days, Berlin)

Module 6: ‘Mahamudra – ‘Awakening in Silence’
Fri, 19.03.27 to Wed, 24.03.27 (5 days, Grimma/Saxonia)

Questionaire: Your answers help to support you best and are treated confidentially. Please send with your registration!

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Booking of single dates/modules:

Venue: Care & Share Centre, Welserstr. 5-7, 10777 Berlin

The individual days start at 7.30am and last – with shorter and a longer break inbetween – till about 8pm.

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue:  Seminarhouse near Berlin in Brandeburg

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue: Care & Share Centre , Welserstr. 5-7, 10777 Berlin 

The individual days start at 7.30am and last – with shorter and a longer break inbetween – till about 8pm.

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue:  Seminarhouse near Berlin in Brandenburg

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Ort: Care & Share Zentrum , Welserstr. 5-7, 10777 Berlin 

The individual days start at 7.30am and last – with shorter and a longer break inbetween – till about 8pm.

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue: Pension & Seminarhouse Göschensgut, Schillerstr. 27, 04668 Grimma/Hohnstädt

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!


Module 1: The SuperOrgasmic Man

13.02.2026 – 18.02.2026 (5 days)

Rituals make it possible for you to release your limits and blockages of false guilt, sense of shame and sense of indebtedness. This will enable you to indulge in unintentional pleasure and limitless joy.

You will learn the Multiple-Orgasmic Genital Stimulation and will experience on a first level multiple, complete-physical orgasms (Multiple Orgasmic Reactions – MORe 1; Film: GAY-TANTRA – The Multiple, Orgasmic Genital Massage).

Illustratively taught knowledge about the anatomy of the anus, its meaning in the energetic interplay of Yin and Yang, female and male aspects of the personality, will give you confidence to approach this pole of male sexuality.

By means of anal massage, relaxation and healing, you will be linked to the receiving and devotional part of your personality. The profound release of the pelvis will remove tensions from your perineum area, your anus and prostate gland, and will increase the quality of genital feelings. You dive into the Multiple-Orgasmic Anal- and Prostate-Stimulation (Multiple Orgasmic Reactions – MORe2; Film: GAY-TANTRA – The Multiple, Orgasmic Anal- and Prostate-Massage).

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Module 2: Melting – The Pearl of Tantric Love-Making

08.07.2026 – 15.07.2026 (7 days)

Creative trance will bring in contact with your vital strength. With the help of your voice and movement it will find its expression. That will raise your vitality – especially in your sexuality – and your potential of life.

You will enjoy a genital massage and learn, how to make your energetic peak point to a powerful, inner experience.

You will deepen the so-called ‘Fire-Breath-Orgasm’. This enables you to direct your energy powerfully through the entire body during orgasm.

Anal and genital stimulation of orgasmic trigger points support you to wake up your full sexual potential and to set it free. The abundance of sensibility of your pelvis will be expanded and your sexual feelings will be increased (Multi Orgasmic Reactions – MORe 3; Film: GAY-TANTRA – The Gay Superorgasm).

Video: The Ritual of the Tantric Union

We will deepen the experience of the ‘Sexual Energy Massage’ ritual: You will run the fire through the whole body and connect it to your ritual partner. You will immerse yourself in a common experience of sexual desire and energy.

You let yourself be carried by the energy created in the most varied love exercises. Sounds, mantras and mudras of mystical Tantra lead you to a conscious encounter with the spiritual dimension of our existence.

With the help of the tantric unification ritual, a soft internalised kind of love-making, you will learn to link profoundly to a partner in order to be yourself and, at the same time, to be with him. You will easily glide into something fluent – as if the boundaries of your body were widened and melting with those of your partner. You experience Melting Sex – The Pearl of Tantric Love-Making.

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Module 3: The Art of Self-Ecstasy

26.08.2026 – 30.08.2026 (4 days)

Self-massages will help you to build up a more profound contact with yourself and your body. Creative touches will increase joy with yourself.

We will deepen the Multiple-Orgasmic Genital Stimulation and will experience on a first level multiple, complete-physical orgasms (Multiple Orgasmic Reactions – MORe 1; DVD: GAY-TANTRA – The Multiple, Orgasmic Genital Massage).
You will bring in your knowledge and practice of MORe 2 and MORe 3 on your own.

Rituals of self-pleasuring in different and partially surprising forms and versions will increase your vitality. You will have the chance to abandon false guilt, sense of shame and sense of indebtedness and to free your ecstatic being.

Experiences with the chakras, the energy vortex of the body, will help you to let your sexual energy flow through your entire body.

A ritual will provide a framework to connect these energies with various partners. Let yourself be surprised!

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Module 4: The Art of Sexual Magic

18.11.2026 – 22.11.2026 (4 days)

A ceremony helps you to awaken your internal Magician. You create a type of ark, which you can invoke anytime while practicing sexual magic. You learn to create a magic atmosphere around you.

Guided meditation connects you with your real self, with your spontaneous naturalness, with your wild- and tender side, with your energy and intuition. You open an internal area, from which can realise your deepest desires and visions. In the ‘Crucible of the Magician’ you consolidate these needs to a symbol.

Advanced techniques from the intensive seminars ‘Eros, Energy & Massage’ and the ‘Training in Lust, Love & Ecstasy’ make it possible for you to connect this vision with all levels of your personal self.

Your dedication in the MORe 3 exercises (genital, anal and a whole body massage) will make it possible for you to charge your vision with sexual energy and to connect it with the cosmic forces.

In the ‘Magical Union’ you will transfer your energy to the universal forces and thereby, perhaps also your internal experiences about how it feels when the vision manifests itself.

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Module 5: The Art of Everydays Ecstasy

08.01.2027 – 11.01.2027 (4 days)

Exercises of the voice and movement, massage and meditation bring you in vivid contact with your chakras.

Through the ‘7 rhythms of love’ you will recognize the stages we pass through in successful sexual-holistic encounters.

Body-oriented methods support you in experiencing unity of body, mind and spirit and the junction of the chakra energies. This enables you to solve questions and problems in your everyday life confidently and efficiently with the help of your chakras.

We will explore sounds, mantras and mudras in mystical tantra and experience, how the reconnection to the transpersonal aspect is important for the everydays ecstasy.

We get in contact with the body of light and explore new energy bright connections.

We celebrate ecstasy and give her a ritual expression as a basic quality of erveryday life.

Modul 6 Mahamudra Erwachen In Der Stille.webp

Module 6: Mahamudra – Awekening In the Silence

19.03.2027 – 24.03.2027 (5 days)

After arriving, dinner with talk and sharing and the first meditation session the silence begins lasting till the last day. Outside silence supports the inner silence and the practice of silent meditation.

We start daily with the ‘Dynamic Meditation’. It helps you to wake up your body, express your emotions and to bring your energy into the flow. It softens you, so that you can immerse into silence at the same time in a sensitive and awake way.

The daily routine is simply structured: Around 10 rounds of meditation per day – between 20 and 30 minutes – alternate with meditative walking, which creates a certain balance between the circulation and the legs

Gentle bodywork, lectures, singing, recession of tantric texts, manual work, single discussions and a discussion to the conclusion, will round off Ecstasy in Silence.